For some reason I remember thinking there were more of them than just five. Like seventeen or something.
Earth! Water! Fire! Wind! Heart! Green Hockey Mullet! (The six elements)
I you can, rent the recent movie The Visitation. Not for the acting, or the storyline, but because near the end someone yells out "WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW??!??!??!"
And by the way, he's not just doing it because of this book fad. He started the book fad to begin with with the book "Holy Blood, Holy Grail". And it's not fiction, its an investigative book. You people get your facts straight.
Pretty funny.... but the story's misleading. Michael Baigent doesn't read Hebrew nor Aramathaeic, which is what the so called 'Jesus Papers' is written in. he cannot read them, he assumes the owner of the papers is informing him correctly. He didn't make
I'm sorta speechless. I mean, I only found this by searching "ERAGON" and that's because I've read both books, and I doubt anyone else would actually, you know, stumble upon it randomly.
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