Vaerin's votes:

Vaerin has made 511 total votes, with an average rating of 4.06.
vote spread graph
site vote average
?Batman's worst nightmare (5.00) (3.99) 
?Lil Jon and Gwen Stefani = SAME - Best with head... (5.00) (4.09) 
?Dr. Robotnik's Mechanical Killer Winky! (5.00) (4.28) 
?Arnold shares his deepest feelings (5.00) (4.71) 
?The Size of Our Pennies (500% More Mason - Exc... (5.00) (4.58) 
?LazyTown is Outrageous! (5.00) (3.91) 
?300TMND: Leonidas is Unstoppable (4.00) (4.60) 
?OUTRÅGEOUS (5.00) (3.85) 
?it's a buseyful day (5.00) (4.12) 
?Picard plays an online game (5.00) (4.18) 
?YTMND is truly getting too.... (5.00) (3.84) 
?Venkman downvotes Dr-L337 (5.00) (4.24) 
?I can be a what and get a what? (5.00) (3.65) 
?Your Duel Is Truly Outrageous! (5.00) (3.56) 
?300TMND: This is outrageous! (Updated) (5.00) (4.39) 
?300TMND: This is... a Big Kahuna Burger! (5.00) (4.05) 
?Paint ME YTMND Black Wallpaper (2.00) (1.83) 
?Zelda: The Bubb Rubb of Time (5.00) (4.71) 
?DEW!!!!!!! A barrel roll! (5.00) (3.82) 
?Cowboy Bebop? (5.00) (3.95) 
?Around Google Earth (5.00) (3.88) 
?test site soon to be deleted? (3.00) (4.07) 
?Link does the Japdance (5.00) (3.87) 
?Dancing Cosby Entertains Agamemnon (5.00) (4.53) 
?Walken on the Moon (5.00) (3.89) 
?The Power Rangers DIDN'T say the magic ... (5.00) (4.06) 
?Magic word remix (5.00) (3.92) 
?Picard Didn't Say the Magic Word. (5.00) (4.04) 
?Ghostbusters: Peter Venkman's Magic Wor... (5.00) (4.03)