even if you don't care about the ads... it's still a pretty bad game =/ I said I liked BF2 better, not that I loved it. CoD2 and Crysis in the near future FTW
they also buy out good game companies (Mythic anyone?), at the time my crappy computer had 512 mb of ram, 950 amd duron or something, can't recall, even tho it's just in the next room, lazyness has overcome me...
agreed, the demo and full version (played for like an hour) are quite terrible, battlefield 2 was funner cause helicopters could barrel rolls. Ofcourse there is spyware and advertising everywhere, that's the world we live in today. A world of Mcdonalds, Microsoft and coke... but a game is not the place for tv like advertising. They COULD have been creative, and do what alot of companies do and advertise cleverly, shoot a drink machine and coke spews out, windows screen savers on random computers, etc etc...
lol @ EA fanbois, all they're games suck anyway. They are made inefficiently and require a sh*t ton of computer power, I can run half life 2 and medium settings 1024x800 with no lag on a Geforce2, My Geforce 2 would probably explode t rying to run battlefield vietnam +. Not to mention they are all rushed, and that makes them even sh*ttier and buggy.
It's an edited version of the bf 1942 theme, and I can't remember where I got it cause my history isn't saved for some reason =/
anyway, can anyone find me a picture of the king? Like his whole body not just head?
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