I ENCOURAGE WAREZ http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=intitle%3Aindex.of+%22mp3%22+%2B%22Gary%20Jules%22+-htm+-html+-php+-asp+%22Last%20Modified%22&btnG=Search
I'll love you forever if you put secret Nazi swastika on the headlight and a Wonka bar by Vader's feet like I asked about two weeks ago. It still kicks ass, though.
Time traveler guy's head looks perfect for a shoe to go on. Lex Luthor's head can go in between the King's and Cruise, with a rooster perched on him (also c*cks). Another possibility is making a plane being piloted by a snake (SoaP) fly by in the foreground, with the message "SNAPE KILLS DUMBLEDORE" trailing behind it. Or you can remove the message and just make a tombstone with the word "Dumbledore" by Vader's feet.
My suggestions: Put a swastika on the headlight of the car, put three blue balls around Vader's feet, and make Vader hold a Wonka Bar. There, three popular fads put in without taking up much space.
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