Hah, this is good. Though we all know that Gordon would win. It's just physicaly impossible for him to lose. He never makes the wrong decisions because he only has one, so likely his attempt here against House is a stall tactic as something large will cupple with the latter Doctor's head. In the nick of time.
Video games always f*ck up on mythology, that's not Ra. Ra was the god of death, Jackals were scavengers who preyed on the dead and dieing, hence Ra had the head of a Jackal. Horus has the head of a hawk, is the son of Osiris whom Ra killed and he avenged. I wouldn't be surprised if you based your interpretation of ancient Rome on what RTW did.
First time I looked at the news commentary in detail, and I think I never shall again. Max nice job by the way, though I doubt you will and hope you never read down this far through these tubes of the internets.
Lotta EMO kids responding to this one. I think the idea of someone claiming to have a wife gets their balls in a twist. Meh, pretty funny but the music is kinda irritating.
Kinda funny that he bothered to respond to you at all. Should of just let them pile up, like anyone really uses Max's system for anything other than spam and death threats.
I see life as it is, as some of my family have put it.. I lack 'hope'. I see the dark, the sad, and the painful in the world. The only reason I doubt God's existence is because if he sees what I sees, then why hasn't Jesus come back to put an end to this nonsense? IF there EVER was a time for him to show up, this very SECOND is the time. YESTERDAY even, LAST WEEK, last YEAR. He is LATE. God can save my soul by sticking his hand out of a cloud and saying "Y hello thar!"
Read through about 60% of the comments, until they started running together in message. Even in YTMND this kind of subject cannot avoid debate. To anyone who thinks ill of those giving this serious thought, be happy while you have no reason not to be, enjoy your cookies, and let us ruin our health by aching over this topic. I myself am hostile to enforcement of view point in children, I was (lucky or blessed) enough to not have religion introduced to me as a child. Cont-
About the only thing surrounding this YTMND that makes me laugh is how much its creator spent on sponsoring it. Evolution is a theory, creationism is something you're tought as a child so you see no reason to question it.
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