Y'know it's strange, until I saw this comment fuck fest I didn't realise that it's been a long time since I laughed at anything here. I remember when I first found ytmnd in 2007. I'd just got a computer and a friend told me about this site. I'd come home from school and, around about 10, I'd hit the big ass button on my big ass PC and come here to laugh for a while. It was good; a little piece of my youth that was simple and fun. Now though it just feels like going on 4chan: It's funny for a while, but then you start to get sick of seeing the same shit and the same arguments over and over.
TheWanderingGod's recent comments:
Now I can turn [i]cars[/i] off
Population: Ma Nigga
There's got to be a good joke in there somewhere...
[b]-Max Goldberg[/b]
Thanks Max I haven't laughed that hard in a while.
Thought I'd save your keyloggers the trouble.
(great tunes)