Godlike! I figured out how to unfocus my eyes, and then refocues them but only on the image itself, so it looks like the fractals are on a plane behind the actual screen. And I'm not even fugged up. You win, and massively.
lol @ keywords. They're better than the ytmnd itself. All personal beliefs aside, it's an allright idea but it could've been carried out better, for instance, put pie-making instructions or a mop in the background. Oh, and ihateapp is a f*cktard and I think he's the one who should be forbidden from driving.
f*ckIN' sh*t YEAH DOGGY!!! I can't believe it's finally here...and totally sucks, 'cept the badass guitar that's all "widdle widdle" and the bass that's all "boomp boomp." Dude, MASSIVE penis enlargement points for finding this, and an eternal place in Valhalla with Chuck Norris and Sean Connery.
Someone mentioned "Covenant," by Funker Vogt, but I haven't been able to find that on any of my three p2p programs. Also I can't find the PSB remix of Morgenstern. Someone drop a link.
You know, this is probably going to be look upon as a monstrously stupid and noobish question, but perhaps one of the good samaritans of ytmnd will tell me how to get sound files off of a page, particularly this one.
Sweet Chuck Norris, this has gotten all the way up to the top 5? It's possibly one of the single greatest YTMNDs to ever grace these hallowed pages. I foresee this being bigger than NEDM or even...dare I say...NSMB(!)
At some point someone mentioned that the song might be Epic of Machine - Death of the System. Has anyone explored that possibility? My Ares and Shareaza aren't turning up anything, and Tunatic isn't working.
Dear God. This is the funniest fad ever. I think the entire YTMND user population is dying to know what this song is, but oddly enough NOBODY has been able to find out what it is. Has anyone noticed that the bounty is only $9.10? Apparently NEDM can find this song. We must call upon the powers of Chuck Norris to find out what it is. I remember sifting through endless Coburn loops to find the same version used by the NEDM sites (Jean-Claude Ades remix,) but it's nowhere NEAR this bad.
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