yes, morgan freeman is bad, the guy that everyone thought was the bad guy was the main characters dad. Sorry, no boobs in the entire movie. But there ARE 'mystical weavers'.
the former. Wanted was a bad film, granted. But it was entertaining (mostly because it was funny). A movie is supposed to be entertaining and if they aren't entertaining than that defeats the purpose of them.
Good movie, bad Film. just like Shark Attack 3.
that movie was overly enjoyable because the parts that didn't have action were so ridiculous that it was hysterical. But still no Angelina Jolie boobs.
3/5 because although amusing, if you didn't see it coming right away you probably thought curving bullets was the newest innovation.
omg it's zelda LAWL that means it's automatically awesome and we should all view it 40 times and show it to our friends and say "look! it's zelda! yeah, i played that game toO!" HEHEHE HOW COOL IS THAT CUZ ITS THE THING FROM ZELDA EXCEPT IT KEEPS GOING LOLOL!" +infinity for zelda lol! it's a game i've played!
bravo. though, i could have sworn it was Arthur that was running up to the castle in that scene. Ah well, I'm probably wrong. Anyways, this made me laugh. 5
that was QUITE amusing, though one miscorrection i'd like to tell. the whole Mayan calander thing. The Mayan calander is not only scheduled to END, but BEGIN again. It's a cycle, just like most common calander's year. It's like saying the world will end on December 31st, every year.
Anywho... I bet on the robots one, that would be cool because we could all grab guns and and play "Kill Robot Overlords", which would be everyone's last chance to be a badass. The last one is also bitchen'
haha, well i liked the PotC series as a whole, partly because i thought the first one was just going to suck but ended up liking it, i thought it was an awesome movie series.
But, this made me laugh. kudos.
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