I am such a nintendo nerd, here goes... 1-SuperMarioBros 2-Burgertime 3-YoNoid 4-Contra 5-DrMario 6-Zelda2 7-DuckHunt 8-ExciteBike 9-Galaga 10-Castlevania 11-IceHockey 12-MachRider 13-Metroid 14-NinjaGaidan 15-Ducktales 16-Battletoads 17-KirbysAdventure 18-Megaman2 19-MikeTysonsPunchOut
The hilarious part is that MASA is an actual college organization -- Mexican-American Student Association. I've been to a couple of their meetings, even though I'm whiter than white. Some hot chicks there, seriously.
A product that is infinitely reproducible at virtually no cost should not be sold for $40 apiece. In the digital age, we NEED pirating to keep greedy companies in line. So don't anyone give me your stupid "lol folllow the rules" bullsh*t. I'll be laughing at you all the way to the bank.
I had to dig hard for it.....
"You guys don't get it. "An Hero" is a reference to a kid who killed himself over an iPod. His family and friends constantly referred to him as "an hero" on his memorial Myspace. So, "Be An Hero" is now a euphemism for committing suicide."
That is lame.
you don't know the first f*ck thing of what you're talking about. This game was awesome and one of the best for regular nintendo. arcade sucks *ss compared to this legend. worthless dipsh*t.
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