omg, halo 3 is a fps! they are copying wolfenstine!!!!!!! Come on man... the only one that could be considered stealing is the bubble sheild, nothing else
I has it, just this isnt funny... this is a site made by a 18 year old male who still feels that things like this are cool, and i dont mean "oh yea i remember that from my childhood, it was pretty cool" i mean the kind of guy who owns the T-shirts and still plays with them while making explosion noises with his mouth while his mom is in the next room shooting up heroine in an attempt to remove the fact that her ex-husband ran out on them after sexually molesting his 5 year old boy. This is not funny at all.
what are you 8? or are you just retarded? because i would like to know who would spend time to show a picture of an alright show and declare it to be "bad-ass"
ok heres the deal... i love the fact that SC2 is comming out, but for god sakes get some better music! that souns like a 7 year old took some voices from SC and just threw them all together to make one terrible, ear raping, sound!,,,,, those are the ones i managed to catch, for those of us who dont like downloading things :P
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