I will f*cking end you, doctor-acula, you Dickinson hating piece of sh*t. I mean, uh, music is subjective like all art and everyone is free to express an opinin.
The Pope of Atheism just put out a hit on you. Or a jihad. Or whatever they're called. P.S. This so-called pontiff may have been a monkey in a Halloween costume, but I am compelled by my solemn beliefs to follow him.
Dude, I heard "The Munsters" in there somewhere. I mean one of those f*ggy bands after Sublime, but before Wagner plagarized them. P.S. You can also throw in a Xbox 360, controllers, and a few games ince gettinga PS3 before X-mas costs $1200 now.
Congrats, you broke Nintendo. The page won't load. Now what will all the good girls and boys get for Christmas? No Wii and sold out PS3s, they'll have to violently exanguinate the competition in Gears of War. Chainsaw-related infanticde up 2000% by Q1 2007!!
Reminds me of when, during the hey day of Loveline, they edited Dr. Drew into saying "F*ggot. Better. Run," and played it whenever a gay person called the show.
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