I feel bad for anyone who doesn't watch to the end. It's really lame for most of it but I'm glad I stuck with it. As soon as the Muse cut in, it just kept getting better.
Like the idea but the execution could have been so much more slick. The tack could have moved smoothly, and the tack on the map could have mirrored the movement. Instead the actual tack is static and the one chasing him is stilted.
Pretty much, yeah. I've known a lot of decent blacks, even one-generation-removed native Africans, and the thugs whose family has been in America for so long they have lost all traditions don't consider them black because they aren't also thugs. It seems like popular "black culture's" INTENT is to be as stupid and violent as possible in an attempt to retain the negative stigma of race so they can complain about that and use it as justification to be stupid and violent in a giant vicious cycle.
This is pathetic, come on. Superdickery has the full comic and it just keeps going ON AND ON. Batman worrying about the Joker's big boner, the Joker saying he's going to make Batman have a boner, all KINDS of hilarious sh*t, and this is just the beginning.
That's the whole hilarious thing with laws "supporting" certain ethnicities. The implication is that those ethnicities need assistance in order to perform as well as whites. Apoligizers will say that they're trying to make up for reduced career chances due to less priviledged upbringing (implication because those ethnicities are all poor) but then why don't the laws just target specific neighborhoods or wage brackets? That way they'd miss the wealthy outliers and also target the poor, uneducated whites.
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