Think it would be better if you didn't focus on the guns when it moves the focus off the faces. And many of the shots aren't even of squints, just people looking. Other than that, great idea and mixing of the image quality. (Equillibrium sucked btw. Terrible, boring movie.)
oh and the movie sucked... and mel gibson is a racist f*g"
He's not racist. He's anti-semitic. There *is* a difference you know. sheesh...
he says the second "no I'm alright" after he gets hit, and says it like he's in pain. Obviously, he knows he's not alright, yet claimed to be so.
Thus: Porkins = BIG FAT F*CKING LIAR
wtf he did that stunt in Good Guys Wear Black, back in the 80's. Pathetic, ripping himself off from 20 years ago. Chuck Norris is A PUSSY. Bruce Lee kicked his *ss and that's the fact jack
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