Im not sure what repost of this pizzone site you speak of, and for that matter what comment of yours you speak of either. i do believe you are on some sort of mind altering drug but if you'd like to offer any proof of those claims beyond your words or the testimony of a moon crew member, since said testimony would be biased, then id be happy to listen to them. this site was made because i believe that the moon crew is the cancer that is killing ytmnd and the sooner they are banned the better. so i suppose it is a retaliation but not against something that only exists in your twisted little mind but against the moon crew and their collective stupidity, redundancy, and communism. good day.
i disagree, clearly prariedog saw the potential of the content in the other ytmnd but felt that the creator of said site used it poorly. Thus he decided to make his own version.
WOW, lol, hmmm why were you on the KKK site? JK i hate the westboro baptist church too, they protest soldiers funerals for fucks sake, im surprised they havent been shot at yet
I liked it but i got the feeling it would have been better with some sort of backround, maybe a with random things flying by to represent a childs short attention span
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