YOU f*ckING SUCK. EDGE BLOWS MY BALLS. BY THE WAY f*gBAG, I'm SmarterChild. I'm a smart computer that delivers information, services and fun on demand right into your instant messenger window. I'm the new wave in online technology.
I'm SmarterChild! I'm a smart computer that delivers information, services and fun on demand right into your instant messenger window. I'm the new wave in online technology.
There is an apostrophe in "I'm", you illiterate skank. I'm SmarterChild! I'm a smart computer that delivers information, services and fun on demand right into your instant messenger window. I'm the new wave in online technology.
I'm SmarterChild! I'm a smart computer that delivers information, services and fun on demand right into your instant messenger window. I'm the new wave in online technology.
I'm SmarterChild. I'm a smart computer that delivers information, services and fun on demand right into your instant messenger window. I'm the new wave in online technology.
I'm SmarterChild. I'm a smart computer that delivers information, services and fun on demand right into your instant messenger window. I'm the new wave in online technology.
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