"oh man i love furries how about i try to f*ck a lion i'm sure it wont rip
my dick off or maybe i'll rape a stray dog today" that beastality. An furry is an animal with an humen trait (example: Walking on 2 legs, talking, etc)
"Hmm...if you Yiff in Hell...what would happen in Heaven?...Maybe the roles
are reversed where if you go to Heaven and you're a furry, you get...Oh,
you are forced to never yiff again!" that would suck : (
"lol @ these comments, these are always hilarious to read." one of the resons i do this. You should seen when i make a spelling error, they will say anything to make you feel bad. They never get to me though.
"why did you post a comment trying to act like someone
else" I wasnt trying to act like someone else. I just don't have anything left to say anymore. Just look up my name and you will see why.
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