Seizure22's recent activity:

when activity
December 27th, 2014 Seizure22 viewed ?Some points of 32 lost!'s profile.
December 27th, 2014 Seizure22 viewed ?Some points of 32 lost!.
December 27th, 2014 Seizure22 viewed ?Relaxing Highland Ruins.
October 9th, 2013 Seizure22 viewed ?Conversation.
October 9th, 2013 Seizure22 viewed Audovoice's profile.
October 9th, 2013 Seizure22 viewed ?Super Mario N64 Kid.
October 9th, 2013 Seizure22 viewed ?In YTMND We Trust.
October 9th, 2013 Seizure22 viewed ?TV CRT's profile.
October 9th, 2013 Seizure22
'd ?TV CRT.
October 9th, 2013 Seizure22 viewed ?TV CRT.