Seantastic's favorites:

site average score creator added on
?(nsfw) Woody sees a nigger (4.52) ylwsub68 2008-04-11
?(nsfw) The Real Dead Nigger Scene (Bit of Clarific... (4.27) bobby-guapo 2008-04-11
?(nsfw) Tighten Up The Dead Nigger Storage (4.28) KillFiction 2008-04-11
?(nsfw) How To Store A Dead Nigger (4.24) KillFiction 2008-04-11
?(nsfw) Dead Nigger Storage (4.19) livenigger 2008-04-11
?(nsfw) FreeSTORINReport.NIGGER (4.30) KillFiction 2008-04-11
?(nsfw) How Many Storage Of Dead Niggers, Carmi... (4.20) KillFiction 2008-04-11
?(nsfw) Pulp fiction's Jimmie does not have to ... (3.00) gekkostar111 2008-04-11
?(nsfw) Who Stored Jimmy's Dead Niggers? (4.18) KillFiction 2008-04-11
?ytmnd pwns jeopardy (better GIF and MP3, so refr... (4.47) ABACABB 2008-04-16
?(vanilla) ice ice bacon - you're the bacon no... (4.29) wiretapstudiosdotcom 2008-04-16
?Oh, the eggs have ripened. (4.50) Deafstar 2008-04-16
?Eggs! (3.89) SuperHappyFunGuy 2008-04-16
?A Wild Goblin Has Appeared (4.26) The8bither0 2008-04-20
?Spiderman is owned by....*updated* (4.25) merrydancingpeasants 2008-04-20
?Spiderman: whoooooooaaaAAAAAAAHHHH! (4.20) Xhyra 2008-04-20
?Spidermans next Challenge *Spiderman 3 spoilers* (3.63) ssj100matt 2008-04-20
?Darth Vader gets his Christmas wish (4.75) ben2theedge 2008-04-20
?Ain't NOOOOOO Hollaback Girl (3.96) BasketbalsOSU 2008-04-20
?Gunna be a rough 32679 Days and 4 hours... (3.00) Zhanack 2008-04-20
?Unleash Hell (4.00) daakMsihkin 2008-04-20
?Math is Pwned! (4.40) danzart 2008-04-20
?(nsfw) Cosby Shut the Hell Up! (4.41) Sylvester 2008-04-20
?(nsfw) Don't open it! (4.23) stratos-the-bratos 2008-04-20
?Die Hard with an Urkel (4.19) cooke 2008-04-20
?School Bus is NOT saved by (4.16) Shorty-Longstrokin 2008-04-20
?What is Urkel?! (4.04) jfandtdk 2008-04-20
?Vadre sings Real American but Urkle and Bush sto... (4.14) ghcghcghc 2008-04-20
?YESYES: Urkel Gives Advice (4.00) DeathsHead2 2008-04-20
?Steve Urkel Fucking Rocks (3.70) clownout 2008-04-20
?Vote For Barrack Obama (3.00) GnomeSmasher 2008-04-21
?The Real Epic Lando (3.91) MyIceCreamBar 2008-04-21
?KOENTMND: That my MATLAB? (LONG!) (4.04) LoadMan 2008-04-21
?Spidey Knows Yo Mama (4.16) Mohrdikai 2008-04-21
?elmo is..hanged (4.07) strongerbad 2008-04-21
?Elmo wants to kill you (4.12) texasdeathtrip 2008-04-21
?Alice Goes Numb (4.53) chronster 2008-04-24
?The Departed - Billy Costigan gets a phone call (4.00) cstyles 2008-04-24
?(nsfw) Cuckoos nest (3.80) longjohn 2008-04-24
?Bobby's World (4.57) MasterSitsu 2008-04-24
?Here's Johnny (2.17) Yodawars 2008-04-24
?Somebody is having a bad day... (3.80) stiffy450 2008-04-24
?Roddy Piper's Words of Wisdom (4.46) hshot 2008-04-24
?slipknot liberate bananas (4.09) AbortionCandyMachine 2008-04-26
?Why are people so retarded??? (3.92) hongchong7 2008-04-29
?U2 enters Oreo's Jingle Contest (4.00) ralphtm 2008-04-29
?Al Pacino hates U2 (2.96) avengingangel 2008-04-29
?Rick Rolled (4.37) gforce05 2008-04-30
?Hilary clinton backs out of election , a brighter ameri... (3.83) Vengeful 2008-04-30
?FPS 9000 (4.15) Spectre99 2008-05-01
?Yeah So This Is My PC It Owns (4.14) cirtap22589 2008-05-01
?FPS Doug (3.85) DarthWang 2008-05-01
?The Turtles Discover They Are Noob (4.23) RedFury 2008-05-01
?What does "noob" mean? (4.14) TheCoz 2008-05-01
?Vader browses YTMND and checks up on his ratin... (4.06) AegisReflector 2008-05-01
?Teh noob pwning song (4.14) ArtemusWolfwood 2008-05-01
?Sean Connery's Secret to Success (4.04) Warlock 2008-05-01
?PurePwnageStyle (4.20) FubarPenguin 2008-05-01
?FPS: A guide for noobs. (3.59) Neonic 2008-05-01
?Pure Pwnage - Ma Balls! (3.87) TheKylius 2008-05-01
?Pure Pwnage Jeremy's Hair (Final!) (3.97) contrallion 2008-05-01
?Pure Pwnage Own (3.53) TehMasterer 2008-05-01
?Pure Pwnage Jeremy owns all noobs (3.53) lanedek 2008-05-01
?Kid Got Owned Pure Pwnage (2.64) Pwned1337 2008-05-01
?Youtube Died... (2.77) tehpunisher 2008-05-03
?Super NIgga Is coming to rape you! (2.33) hereticmoses 2008-05-03
?CLICK AT OWN RISK (4.08) tkx7 2008-05-05
?VAN DAMNIT EVERRYYONE HAS AIDSS (fixed... (3.58) WAFFLElawleh 2008-05-08
?VanDammualuealuealeuale (2.63) jspath 2008-05-08
?Van Damme loves to Dance (3.74) DuBByDo 2008-05-08
?break it down (3.20) shatner 2008-05-08
?Brian Peppers-Uealaaelelaleealeale (3.48) e106eggbot 2008-05-08
?Asian: ualuealuealeuale. (2.91) LeonKennedy 2008-05-08
?Batman (4.44) anystrom 2008-05-09
?Obi-Wan finds out about ualuealuealeuale (refresh) (4.21) SaqibSaab 2008-05-09
?BatPeppers: ualuealuealeuale (4.07) Kurushimi 2008-05-09
?Van Damme: ualuealuealeuale (2.70) Lenoh 2008-05-09
?Van Damme Gets Fragged (4.66) drew00c 2008-05-09
?Cheesecake (Van Damme remix) (4.61) drew00c 2008-05-09
?Jean-Claude Van Dance!! (4.15) BlueBoar 2008-05-09
?What really happens in Van Damme's dojo (3.84) ryanmontana 2008-05-09
?Van Dammes Secret (4.00) Robsta007 2008-05-09
?Van Damme is a Racist (3.70) drew00c 2008-05-09
?Van Damme is a Sith Lord (3.82) BoobonChron 2008-05-09
?Shatner Reacts to Stephanie (4.38) DoucheFace 2008-05-12
?Pedobear has a close call with the FBI (4.17) phenol 2008-05-12
?Pedobear visits Lazytown (4.07) DeliExtra 2008-05-12
?Brian Peppers lurks in the bushes!!1 (3.91) CecilOMFG 2008-05-12
?Anchorman: Legend of O'Reilly (4.53) amindlessidiot 2008-05-14
?UNO Attack - You might get AIDS (4.53) BaloneyFlaps 2008-05-14
?Enjoy AIDS (4.37) Sahoyah 2008-05-14
?Lex Luthor > Game Shows (4.40) mandodgingdebris 2008-05-15
?Riker conquers bad breath (4.57) MasterSitsu 2008-06-08
?DUFFMAN CAN'T BREATHE (4.09) HypnoToad0 2008-06-08
?(nsfw) Motherfucker Won't Let Lando Breat... (4.09) TheRoyalScam 2008-06-08
?Brain Peppers New Job (3.98) JuGz0r 2008-06-09
?OMG ITS BRAIN PEPPERS (3.88) larryisanidiotjerk 2008-06-09
?Career Day: with the Village People Biker! (3.92) CoastersNSich 2008-06-09
?It's Fun To Stay (3.88) MrStump 2008-06-09
?Sex over the phone (3.78) Hamburger 2008-06-09
?Village People Gay Fuel Ad (3.00) bmangell 2008-06-09
?PULP FICTION, EDITED FOR TV (4.25) badboyz2 2008-06-14
?(nsfw) United States of Pulp Fiction (4.29) trevlacessej 2008-06-14
?(nsfw) You Know WHY You Didn't See Tha... (3.97) DaveTheRave 2008-06-14
?What happens in Bikini Bottom stays in Bikini Bottom (3.26) ChickenSoda 2008-06-18
?The Secret Dreams of Edward Norton (4.08) NovaDaveX 2008-06-30
?Edward Norton hates hellogoodbye (4.06) SamSoBuff1215 2008-06-30
?NAZI EYEBROW DANCE LOL (3.40) okwahoo 2008-06-30
?Edward Norton is a Nazi! (2.25) Anathema 2008-06-30
?Norton Anti Virus (3.50) LupinTheThird 2008-06-30
?Dwight K. Schrute stereotypes... (4.41) griefmeister 2008-07-03
?Patrick Bateman takes it to the Max. (4.19) doctor-acula 2008-07-24
?Patrick Bateman resists NEDM (3.98) BoredofTrade 2008-07-24
?Lord of the American Psycho (now with better sou... (3.83) RecklessDisaster 2008-07-24
?(nsfw) Patrick Bateman is having a wonderful time! (4.01) EdUntilImDead 2008-07-25
?Sussudio! (3.43) ZMX 2008-07-25
?Can't Break Joker's Stride (3.61) redgalaxy4 2008-07-31
?Beardless Chuck Norris (3.58) CidRain 2008-07-31
?Tourettes Guy > Sean Connery (3.70) Bloodcider 2008-08-12
?Batman is Having a Wonderfully Crazy Time! (3.09) FattysBigChance 2008-08-26
?Jizz In My Pants HD (4.22) DaveTheRave 2009-02-08
?Bale to play us out (4.66) VIkerTratS 2009-02-13