"Mr. Heath Ledger died as the result of acute intoxication by the combined effects of oxycodone, hydrocodone, diazepam, temazepam, alprazolam and doxylamine" - it was a combination of several kinds of drugs, not just Ambien. Also, bad taste.
That is not because of any problem with libertarian philosophy. The 1st world nations of the world have large governments. It's the nature of government to expand and never to give anything back. Now that the government has taken over the airline industry, it will never be in private hands again. Now that the supreme court has decided the government can seize land from people without their consent, it will never be overturned. Over several hundred years you can see how we went from a near libertarian
Early term abortion is fine, but why do so many bitches wait until the baby's brain begins to develop? At that point it's murder - unless they have a serious health issue and having the baby puts them at risk.
Ban late term abortion.
He's a libertarian moron. He believes everybody is born with rights that cannot be infringed upon. The government is here to serve the people, NOT the other way around.
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