I like this, obviously alot of hard work went into it, and for the most part its paid off. I would say the planets stage is a little bit too slow and there's occasions when you don't get a sense of scale. But well done.
"this has absolutely no comedic value"
I could say the same thing about you're sites.
I'm not trying to suck my own c*ck here but just think of the time and effort recording a 2 and a half hour event in - 1 °C, split into 15 minute intervals, filtering, fixing and stacking 200 shots, converting, resizing, making a gif, compressing the music, syncing all to have some f*ck wit like yourself to come along and downvote it.
Or hey I could have just posted a picture of goatse man with mario music. Prick.
clay- You're an idiot.
Oh come on, you said 500. Don't change it to a 1000.
When It gets to 500 I want 'the lot' I expect nothing less than tubgirlesque debotchary
I'm sorry My lord. I scoured the sea's of seven yet I found nerey a thread, nine a trace of what you bequethed to this world.
What......what fate will you have of me?
They're mine, I set the camera to manual set the exposure to 1/125 and the f ratio at 5.5 for the white moon and 2.6 for the red and just held the camera to the eyepiece.
if someone then votes 2 the score will go down to 3.56ish so the more people vote the better chance you have of tweaking your score to get to 3.13 the winning target, you may however get a special bonus award
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