And my site wasn't saying "This is what happens if we have no religion", although that probably was misinterpreted understandably, but rather the world would still be a pretty sh*tty place even if we didn't have it.
I did this as a response to crazyf*, which pissed me off and I don't even follow Islam. I'm tired of seeing atheists blaming religious idealogies for all the bad things in the world when anti-religious ones have done pretty horrific things as well. All it shows is that humanity in general is sh*tty no matter what ideology they follow. There's not much more of a deep meaning than that.
Pol Pot was an atheist who targeted religion. It wasn't his sole vendetta, but it was a big one. Everyone who showed signs of being religious were shot. Muslims were forced to eat pork before being killed. 48% of Cambodia's Catholic population were martyred. If there's something else I don't know, please tell me.
Oh, I was aware that there was another site with a similar schtick (that is Jem from Mockingbird with a Jem song playing in the background) after I made the site...but come on. There are tons and tons of YTMNDs recycling the whole "WRONG!" and "SPARTAAAAAAA!" ideas, so saying that a site with a same idea but a different image, sound and setup has been 'done before' is just absurd.
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