Yea that was fucking hilarious. 2 dudes in a suit, dancing. This will fit nicely with the videos of cats and babies that litter this shitty series of tubes.
Everyone said the movie was shit but srsly.. it's conan. What the fuck did they expect? Dialogue? Get real. It's about a swordwielding brute with the IQ of a limabean.. But i digress. P'zone, NEDM etc etc moonmanniggerjew bla. Good stuff.
After the first 2 hours of my nonstop sunsunsun marathon i was struck by a deep and profound insight. The turtle was going to die no matter how many times i watched it. I am sad.
Damn, nice to see i'm not the only one feeling as though we've reached the end. The ship called YTMND is sailing into the vast horizon leaving us mortals behind. RIP you magnificent bastard.
Moon man influences spread like locusts over egypt. Sites like this will be running rampant if moon man isn't stopped! I like it! you bottomfeeding scumsucking algae eater.
Actually, i'd go with Picard on this one. Face it guys, u can't have captain that goes on a rampage once every month and steers the ship into the nearest star cuz of PMS.
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