A little to techno for my tastes, and should have kept developing it because the repitition of the first 4 bars got old very very quickly. Still not a bad first attempt.
If you made this to call attention to the tragic loss of life at the hands of ignorance, I applaud you. If you did it to generate controversy and negativity towards you, to create a self-fulfilling prophecy, I shun you. Either way, the internet breeds hatred far easier than it does love, and that's something you have to live with. There's evil in every man.
pps I am in support of a universe that was created, by the way. I am a scientist and you are correct in your scientific bulletpointing, for the most part. But it's hardly proof for God, or anything for that matter.
However, you did present it in a pleasing matter. Didn't care for the music but at least you're one of the pro-Creationists that embraces science instead of ignoring it outright. For this you get 4.
Well I don't expect you to find this post, and there's probably one just like it in here, amid all the pro-evolution or pro-creationist retards blathering on without doing any research of their own. However, all you've basically done is quoted a well-documented scientific fact (expanding universe) and attributed the unknown "cause" to a supreme entity (God). You claimed to have "proof", but this is merely a hypothesis, and probably the f*cking oldest one in the book.
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