I thought this was the USS Montana that had this incident. Antibasic is right on everything stated, I happen to be homeported with this carrier that he mentioned. Lincoln's PACNORWEST, but SOCAL at the time.
It's cool despite the existance of a Top Gun for the NES. They had another one called Top Gun: Second Mission or something. You lose a star just for that fact.
Hey Koolfox, I think the soundfile came from the MAD TV clip of Will Saso doing Terminator 2: The Super Fantastic Musical. It had Rebecca Romain Stamos (spelling) and Jason Alexander in the bit. Easy to find. He was making the sound after taking cookies or brownies out of the oven or something.
I have to admit, it's hillarious. The showers are not Co-ed though... People die in the Army because they fight or get blown up, people die in the Navy because they're stupid and fall down the stairs or get killed on some equipment that some idiot performed maintenance incorrectly upon, or because they have some negligent as hell corpsman who is too busy to tend to your cancer, fracture, laceration, or whatever injury you happen to have.
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