Rezer's recent comments:

December 10th, 2015
On on the site ?what is cat bus?
Found myself looking for the music...updated link:
June 5th, 2007
epic fail
June 5th, 2007
lol computers
June 2nd, 2007
Fact: Less than one-third of monitors are set to a resolution higher than 1024x768
June 3rd, 2006
5 for creator's comments channeling Derek Smart
April 30th, 2006
On on the site ?(nsfw) My Humps
Will change to a 5 if you ship me enough eye bleach to fix the problem you have created.
April 28th, 2006
Meh, pretty boring. Script to parse comments, add a random comment, and upload the picture. Gonna break eventually anyway, if I'm not mistaken updates aren't possible after so many views. But then, your evil plan has already succeeded. You disgust me.
April 27th, 2006
On on the site ?Lots-O-RLY?
Wow, it's low quality year of the owl! Crappy quality gif + crappier version of the same song! TEN STARS!
April 27th, 2006
Upon hearing the first verse I involuntarily closed my browser, but not fast enough to avoid vomiting 7 times and requiring a bleach rinse for my eyes. Obviously, a slight bit of room for improvement exists.
April 26th, 2006
On on the site ?Mac gets Revenge!
Heh, yeah...watching my cpu usage it goes up by like 10% every couple seconds into the gif, then hits 100% and the gif just gets slower and slower. Doesn't take up more than 5% ever in programs other than IE though ~_~
April 26th, 2006
On on the site ?Mac gets Revenge!
Slow as sh*t for me. My guess is IE just blows with animated gifs set to the background, since it happens fairly frequently and usually on longer animations. And no, my computer isn't slow enough to justify simple image swaps being that choppy.
April 23rd, 2006
I give a free star to all horsedick sites! =D
April 22nd, 2006
It wouldn't even save bandwidth. Ytmnd alread recognizes identical sound files, and will use your local cache if it already has the sound from another ytmnd site.
April 22nd, 2006
-48 points for preloader
April 22nd, 2006
On on the site ?Hey YTMND
Horsedick! HAHAHAHA! HAHHAhahahAHAHahAHAHAHah!!!!!!!!! THAT IS SO f*ckING FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I am not being truthful)
April 22nd, 2006
Have another star! =D
April 21st, 2006
On on the site ?O RLY? EBAY
Oh, you prankster.
April 21st, 2006
This is not my amused face.
April 21st, 2006
On on the site ?lol, beanz
Let's's too choppy, the sound edit sucks, the background isn't motion blurred, the speech bubble isn't synched to the music at all...yup, you win! A GOLD STAR FOR YOU!
April 21st, 2006
On on the site ?Demolition Failure
Amazing! It says right on the gif how old this is!
April 15th, 2006
I was able to read it just fine. I did not approve. LEARN TO SPELL MOTHERf*ckER, thx love
April 12th, 2006 and both have comments, that was easy
April 12th, 2006
If I was able to give this a 0, I'd simply wish I could give it less than a 0. I'm never happy :|
April 8th, 2006
5, -1 for misspelling bonding, -1 for using a crappy cover song, -1 for the horrible loop, -1 for hippies = 1.
April 7th, 2006
no sync omg
April 7th, 2006
On on the news post getting to know you.
Is it intentional that the pages overlap by a large amount? Names on the bottom half of one page are on the top half of the next page, seems kinda pointless.
March 29th, 2006
On on the site ?Hand Gestures
I kill a kitten every time I hear this song. Have fun living with that on your conscience.
March 29th, 2006
On on the site ?
keyword whoring = lose
March 28th, 2006
5 for the comments on myspace