Oh wow Max actually did something about the IP tacker (though not take it down) and even informed us all using 2 minutes of his precious time. I'm truly amazed. Goodbye.
"As for the IP tracker, I cleared the IP list, if you've already managed to ban yourself again, good riddance, this time its permanent and I'm not taking it off. You had fair warning." Fair warning is not absence of a warning completely. A simple sticky thread or announcement would have been very nice and taken up only a few minutes of your precious time. And also very many forum residents knew what was going on. In fact the general consensus was that the IP tracker was down.
Death-Incarnate actually. That account I also deleted seeing as I had nothing to give to the YTMND "community". I just want the IP tracker out nof the forums, or at least a way to reverse it's effects. It doesn't belong there at all. I'm sick of the test run max is giving it in the forums. It works well enough, just put it on the frontpage/safe for work forums and leave it out of the not safe for work forums.
Revenge‑of‑the‑IP‑Tracker's recent comments: