If the law did pass and the people knew that this was supposed to be enforced, the goverment would have to enforce it. When they illegal immigration blew up in Wal-mart's face, the people did fight against Wal-Mart. In fact, Wal-mart was forced to pay 11 million dollars in damages. And btw, I'm not republican nor am I very conservative. I just actually can see a problem and want to try and fix it.
The Hr 4437. Yes, the fence is a little much but there are strides being taken to punish the corporations and people hiring illegals. And of course they aren't going to just say Walmart, Walmart isn't the only company doing it
I'm not talking about the guest worker program. That one little law, that everyone got all upset about and protested: Mandates employers to verify workers' legal status through electronic means, phased in over several years. Also requires reports to be sent to Congress one and two years after implementation to ensure that it is being used. (Title VII)
Increases penalties for employing illegal aliens to $7, 500 for first time offenses, $15, 000 for second offenses, and $40, 000 for all subsequent offenses
codeblue, we have thousands of Americans on Welfare right now that are perfectly capable of working. Give them a damn physical, and if they can work tell them to get a job or, if they say the can't find one, tell them they have to go pick crops and kick them off of welfare. I'll pay the extra 50 cents for my turnips if we can take care of this little welfare problem.
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