You know you think the fact that the founder used to be paid to make sh*t up would have been a warning to people. Guess not. Praying on the mentally unstable and using attack lawyers makes scientologists the lowest forms of life on the planet, just above politicians.
Hey guys, let's play "Spot the American!" Of course, any sport Americans are chronically sh*t at is "gay" and will say so. They will defend their stupid, sh*tty made-up sports no one else in the world would be could dead playing so no one can bet them at. Such as American Football, or "Rugby for the Retarded" as it's better known. Seriously, STFU!
@KalleR The Red army had the most motivated men (no heros, they HATED the Germans) and the best tanks (they didn't brake down all the time like the German's tanks and didn't burst into flames like the American built ones did at the slightest knock). In fact, we all needed everyone to win. However the side that contributed most to the allied victory was the German's. Without their leader going nuts and trying to micromanage EVERYTHING, it would have been a lot harder for as.
@Hamsterbob No I think the order to launch the tanks far too far out was an American, but whoever it was, was a coward. But yeah, Utah went smoothly. That's why you'll never see it in an awful Hollywood film.
@KingNothing: Yeah but their landing was hard. Omaha was a cock-up (the tanks where lanched WAY too far out and all sank) @Crazy: Oh no, we badly needed American resources, however the yanks forget they badly needed the technology the others (manly British) had. Their stuff was sh*t, but they could make a hell of a lot of it unlike the Germans.
Reading this you'd think the American's did it all by themselves! Sheesh! You don't hear much about the other landings because that didn't completely balls it up like they did at Omaha beach. Which is a pity because the British used amphibious, flame-throwing tanks!
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