Another thing, Spyware or IP logging, either way what business does it have in a GAME. NONE. EA being greedy *ssh*les as usual. Making a MOD of a already broken and dated engine and adding Spyware and advertisments into it (instead of fixing the damed thing) and charging people full price ($50 USD) as if it was a brand new game. My suggestion would be to wait for the modders (real game makers) to release their mods. Forgotten Hope 2 looks good.
I'm not trying to bring politics into YTMND. I'm simply making a statement that most humans can agree with, war is bad, when will politicians figure that out.
OHH NOES!! Someone out there has different beliefs than me!! BAN THEM!! If you don't like his stuff, then don't watch it. Also, I'm sure he loves the publicity, so way to go, you just shot yourself in the foot. Lastly, if Max wants him gone, he will be gone, so what business is it of yours, you nosey f*ck.
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