While this still sucks, this is made ever more relevant by the recent release of Sonic and Sega All Stars Racing, wherein Sonic is indeed driving a race car in a fashion not at all dissimilar to Mario Kart
I totally agree with you. We should clean up the spoilers, wait until the minute the book is released, THEN post the spoilers. Because then it's fair game.
You sir get a three because this in no way warrants a five, and I'm trying to not hand out ones. What really saved you from a one would be the description. I am convinced that all ravers are, in fact, confused and about to faint.
Get to Level 20 in marathon mode. If you have that one thing enabled where it doesn't lock in the pieces until you stop moving them, it is quite easy to get past level twenty. Once or twice, I even maxed out the line counter at 999!
You forgot the 50 degree latitude line. Right across that vast expanse between the Czech Republic and the Ukraine. Right above Slovakia. Your map skillz need more work.
Umm... yeah. I counted them at least four times, and I believe that you missed the four on the left side. They're kinda on the edge of the picture, so you can only see a small part of them. Just so you know.
On second thought, I'll three this because it DID manage to absorb more than four minutes of my time. I seem fortunate (unfortunate?) in that I managed to miss out on this whole debacle. Due to my waxing/waning YTMND visitation cycle, I was absent for the vast majority of JoshCube's "war". I need an unbiased source for further information on this topic.
Actually, you'll find that all (or most) containers of salt - including the kind you'd purchase for home use - have a similar ingredients list. Same goes for sugar, or pretty much any common food item which should be painfully obvious, but is labeled anyways.
Good sir, I direct you here:
Also people using IE6 or earlier get pwned by the following line of code:
for (x in document.write) { document.write(x);}
What about me? I don't have AdBlock, I have NoScript blocking annoying scripts and other bad things. It is set to allow YTMND.com, but by default it blocks googlesyndication.com and google-analytics.com - both of which are the actual source of google AdSense advertisements, to prevent me from being bugged on other sites. Thus my problem: I wish to allow advertisement on YTMND, but nowhere else. How do I do that?
Ah, the memories. Really, the Sonic series was awesome. It started sucking after Sonic 3. Genocide city zone: the beta level that wasn't. I remember spending hours guessing at what might have been.
Ah, the good old days. I miss being able to look at Sonic 2 and saying "COOL! The gameplay is better than everything else out there and the graphics are awesome!" Wait, on second thought, I could still say that. Modern games suxxor big time.
Whatever it takes to keep it free. I like the idea of removing sites with 2 stars or less, but only if they've been around for too long. "This site has had a score of two for six months now... DELETED!" etc. That way it gives good sites a chance to recover from a sever downvoting (not that they will, but there is the possibility). I also like the idea of ads being more prominent for unregistered users (like an entire ad page before every fifth YTMND or a full page ad once per day per unregistered IP.
And how is this particular work not "about lols"? It is certianly more lol worthy than a vast majority of the crap on this site. Sure, it isn't exactly what I'd consider the "#1 most uberest awesome thing evar!11111one", but it is certianly better than a good deal of things.
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