Deleting everything would be interesting. However, there are too many gems I believe that would be lost. Ergo it would be more beneficial than anything else to delete sites that do not accumulate several thousand views in a week or so period, as most sites which garner attention tend to do so rather quickly, rather than months down the road when whichever current popular trend for which they were created has passed on.
Claiming Spartans haven't existed for thousands of years would be very disconcerting for the citizens of Sparta, the current capital of the Greek province of Laikadaimon.
There is no slippery slope. It's an obvious change. Over the past 50 years Europe has slowly been moving towards communism. Slowly is the key. It's not going to happen quickly, but it will. Undoubtebly it will. Not because economic forces drive it there, but more over one has to remember the various other influences on Europe. As the EU ratifies its constitution, we will likely see nationalist movements within the nations flare up, counter revolution from the left will follow and likely succeed.
Welfare is a socialist benefit provided to America by FDR. America does have many aspects of a socialist nation, but no where near the amounts of Europe. And how now am I confused good sir?
American welfare is no where near as encompassing as the benefits provided by European socialist welfare states. The benefits they provide more than anything encourage unemployment. Example being Germany where unemployment is preWWII levels.
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