Don't you understand? That was a real person with a family, and a life. Plans for the future. And you mock a last act of desperation. Imagin the fear this person went through in his final moments. I don't see how anyone with any consions could mock this or any event like it.
Oh me, oh my. Please exscuse my keystroke errors. I was never debating the definition of the word, Slick. I guess I should have stated what I meant* more clearly. What I meant* to say was, humor was a better choice of words. Thanks for wasting your time in pointing out my errors. I know your social life allows little time for such trival things. "Indulge: to give in to desire; to yield to; to satisfy; to spoil; 'to humor'" This now concludes your nice long flame. Owned.
Oh, I'm sorry, that your gender confused. If that's what you ment. Really didn't understand your comment. Anywho. I apreciate you posting. When you down vote my site. It's a shame when RS noobs like you try and defend Jagex. And can't come up with any thing intelligent to say, just a "Screw you". And a downvote. Oh well. I wish I had more to flame you with. But I guess this will have to do. Please PLEASE. Change your vote when you've played for more then a few months, and see what Jagex really is.
Rofl. They couldn't sue me. I'm not using their the content to make profit. Nor am I using it to slander them. I actually play Runescape alot. They have a good game for the price. . .Free. I just don't like the Jagex staff and how they handle their community. You've obvouisly only played the game for a few months now. I've been on for about three years now. Jagex has no soul. So please stfu, if you're going to blindly follow Jagex.
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