Pretty much they are creating a testable proof of the cat of Schrodinger. Until observation neither alive nor dead nor even a cat. Potential cat. If phenomenon, like god is unobserved it does not exist materially.
Frankly this reeks bias. When hypocrites such as whetstone decide that to be "thrown into the burning pit" means a fire and brimstone Hell they are mistaken. Gehenna (aka the burning pits) were areas outside the city walls of Roman occupied Arabia where garbage was burned. These pits were also used to burn the bodies of those not deserving a proper burial (Murderers, Rapists, False Prophets, etc.) Because the Jewish people belived that when a body died the soul went to Sheol (not an afterlife more like a sleep than actual death) where it would wait until the last days when it would be reunited with the undamaged body and ressurected by G-D. Burning a body would deny an afterlife at all and would be the worst fate imaginable. Gehena is not Hell.
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