1.) I agree a lot with TaintMasterMitch. Before doing anything, remember the mod system is your current variable. Give it time.
2.) What if there was a link off the main page, like "About" or "Wiki" which had a timeline and significant YTMNDs? Like the Hall of Fame, but much more comprehensive. Every site which started a major fad, every major member, that kind of thing. It wouldn't be mandatory, but it would be a little interesting thing to click through and get a gist of the history and culture.
I agree with this. Exclusivity would be bad, and even probably make the fads more and more prevalent. What should be done is just fixing the main page, so actual good sites show up where the most people can see them. This could be done many ways, but my favorite suggested so far is getting rid of the Top Viewed in favor of something merit-based. Perhaps if a stars-for-members deal was set up, there could be a box for the highest-rated site of the highest-rated members.
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