Mr‑Shroom's recent comments:

October 25th, 2007
On on the site ?Danson's new rival!
2nd Most Elaborate Rick Roll EVER?
October 25th, 2007
Epic win, sir. Epic.
October 3rd, 2007
Huh, never heard of this guy. Thanks for sharing, -FAV'D- for future reference.
September 30th, 2007
I salute you, fine YTMNDers, on a epic win well done. You're all artists now.
September 29th, 2007
On on the news post Golden Brown.
Wow, that was. Actually quite interesting. I wish you'd share more insight upon your views of emergent internet-based groups and the connections from them more frequently, max. Or at least share links to whatever people you think discuss it in greater detail.
September 21st, 2007
Uh. Jews also invented Jesus, though.
September 20th, 2007
On on the site ?lol, college
September 20th, 2007
The image flicker was a nice touch. :) No need to scream 'facist-state' yet. The video shows the officers asking him to calm down and step outside so they could talk, and the dude was going batsh*t hyperventilating rant mode...pretty much everyone in that room knew he had to get outta there one way or another.
September 20th, 2007
Those damn kids.
September 1st, 2007
On on the site ?VOTE RON PAUL 2008!!!
The guy is a lunatic. Check out more about him on Wikipedia, or much less some of the debates he's been in on YouTube.
August 31st, 2007
On on the site ?OH NOES
Wow, this is almost as funny the last 500 times I've seen this joke re-done. Whats the white variation of this joke: HomeTown Buffet Bankrupt?
August 29th, 2007
Wow, uh. Even though I actually KNOW what YTMND is all about? I honestly can't tell if half the sh*t that gets posted here (like this news post) is parody or not. I'm not surprised it got used on TV, folks: People don't know who you are in real life, so the pages you make pretty much get taken at face value sometimes.
August 6th, 2007
On on the site ?MMOs in a nutshell
July 27th, 2007
5'd in the hope that these raidf*gs get whats comin' to 'em.
July 26th, 2007
No problem. Now make me a site about mad science gone RIGHT.
July 21st, 2007
Drama-chu, I choose you!
July 21st, 2007
On on the site ?Virginity
God, I think that guy in the middle went to high school in South Cali with me. o.o;
July 21st, 2007
Hello sterotype, goodbye interest.
July 21st, 2007
I just lost the game.
July 20th, 2007
Reply to max's comment on the news post magic.
NEVER BELIEVE ITS NOT SOOOOOO! Also, replace word 'wands' with 'c*cks'. Instant comedy gold.
July 16th, 2007
Well done! Another win for ALCOHOLISM.
July 16th, 2007
On on the site ?MSTDOOM3000
YTMNDers do it for the lulz.
July 15th, 2007
Money well spent. :)
July 15th, 2007
needs moar shemp >.>
July 15th, 2007
July 11th, 2007
Oh god. The stupid /b/tards are gonna have a field day with this.
July 5th, 2007
I have no clue who the hell half of you are. THUS BALANCE IS ACHIEVED.
July 4th, 2007
Oh, man. I gotta admit, this was the first YTMND for a good while thats honestly made me laugh that hard for that long. Perfect timing, Sitsu, the lengthened ad music just made it all the funnier. 5'd.
June 14th, 2007
Weird, I've seen this image before?
June 7th, 2007