Mr‑Critic's recent comments:

November 6th, 2008
On on the site ?Come AGAIN WoW Fans
just don't link to the wow forums and you can keep this 4
November 3rd, 2008
yeah thats a given, they'll be 8 "why so serious?" sites a day <,<
November 2nd, 2008
Whats going to be next after this... Hulk? "HE THREW A FORKLIFT TRUCK LIKE IT WAS A SOFTBALL!"
November 2nd, 2008
On on the site ?First Prize
you know when I first saw Iron Man and that line was said the first thing I thought was "man, when Ironman comes out on DvD theres going to be like 8 YTMNDs with this friggin line in it" guess I was right...
October 25th, 2008
September 18th, 2008
Jesus Keaton I just did that sh*t today in finite mathmatics... are you spying on me!?
September 16th, 2008
Hell, just because it would be funny to see what hell would be like for him
September 16th, 2008
They f*cking swarm like Piranha :O
September 7th, 2008
On on the site ?An Ad About Nothing
wtf is that guy in the background doing!?
August 31st, 2008
have him grab the intel before he leaves the store >.>
August 30th, 2008
omg capitalizing on that poor braxton guy's marriage. how dare you. 4+ for monotonous snare
August 23rd, 2008
the sandwich was tasty however...
August 19th, 2008
+5 for Simt City buildings
August 17th, 2008
On on the site ?Doug's Torture
+5 for K Rool's Castle Music
August 1st, 2008
lol i wish you would have had that one fat guy on the ground with a burger in his hand or something. 5ed anyway
July 27th, 2008
s'ok, you get a 4 for effort
July 27th, 2008
Nice Remix Fourest
July 21st, 2008
Where is "Hi Kids, we're home early" from? It sounds so familiar but i can't put my finger on it
July 21st, 2008
What sound did you use from Tekken? Just curious
July 21st, 2008
5 for direct rip of The Dark Knight -2 for quality
July 16th, 2008
I demand a sequel! No Raiden though please >.>
July 13th, 2008
its only a matter of time before someone makes a Team Fortress site like this with the Scout yelling "FIRE" over and over again...
June 30th, 2008
On on the site ?Ghostly grove (update)
Nice site wisdumcube. Are you planning on making another DKC ytmnd using the bramble blast levels?
May 25th, 2008
i said "wtf" out loud as soon as i saw that goddamn Roswell crate. Good f*cking job george lucas. were aliens even necessary?
May 25th, 2008
Anyone notice a religious pattern with the movies? Raiders of the lost ark: Judaism. Temple of Doom: Hinduism. Last Crusade: Christianity. Crystal Skull: Scientology?
May 22nd, 2008
needs more aliens. wait wat?
May 22nd, 2008
can't really beat the old "snake? Snake!? SSNNNAAKKEEE!!!" thing anyway
May 22nd, 2008
would be cool to have the SSBB death effect when he hits the edge of the screen.