ethanol fuel is still 1.57 though and it gives off 83% less pollution. Plus it's only 1.57 because hardly anyone uses it, but if everyone did it would be 53 cents.. yep... 53 cents... but your car has to be made past 2004 or it be specifically stated that it can use ethanol fuel... but still... THIS IS HILARIOUS!
I'm confused..... what are you talking about??? and the romans beleived in Jupiter and all thse other gods didn't they? What the crap???!?!?!? none of this makes sense?!?!?! I AM CONFUSED!!!! WHY WONT EVERYONE JUST SHUT UP AND GO BACK TO MAKING STUPID SH*T!!!
hey, isn't nothing something? athiesm then, is a godless religion. It has a god, but is a religion no-less. notice the -ist at the end? If you have no religion then you should say " I have no religion". If you say that your athiest, your just saying you have no god, not no religion. the suffix -ist refers to a common group, a common belief. So, athiesm is not the absence of religion, its the absence of a god figure. You have been PWNED in logic. All yur brains r belong 2 me:)
Why are people spamming? their being immature. Don't they realize that the reason you made this is because they keep saying that christians killed the most. Good job whetstone, they are just being sore losers because you proved them wrong and shoved the pie back in their faces. And their immaturity is reflected by the way they express their displeasure. (ex. "Hey lets flood his comments with dirty pirate humor and yet still mingle in some insults")
you obviously didn't do your homework... Being saved is not about being a good deed fairy. It's about truly beleiving, and truly being sorry for doinfthings that are mean etc.. If you sin once, your a sinner. No matter what. The only way to get in to heaven is to be forgiven ( Which is easy as long as your really sorry, 'cuz its easy to tell if you don't mean it) So, do your homework next time before insulting someone okay?
hey uh.... "TightenUpTheGraphics"... what you said is very hipocritical... you said you were "nice" to people.. WELL! INSULTING PEOPLE WITHOUT GROUNDS IS NOT NICE HIPOCRiT! also... you implied that all "athiests or agnostics" are nice... well... What about colombine hmm? They were athiests.. and they asked people if they were christian and then shot them if they said yes. thats not nice... thats homocidially insane... you also implied that christians only act nice because they fear "hellfire".. well...
I'm sory but your supporters and intial logic behind this are offensive and mushy i that order(supporters= offensiv, logic= mushy)
so I'm going to vote.. 1 i'm not downvoting really, it's just the way people are doing this is offensive so it stands... a 1.
uh riff... the universe being big proves or disproves nothing. I could fit in either category. if your biased, you'll only see it one way, I see it both.
And being so arrogant as to call a group of people you've never met gay? NOW THATS SMUG RIGHT THERE! I mean seriously!! What are we? freaking 12 year olds?(haha I said freaking and 12 year olds) stop being so immature and shut your yap! and insult only decreases how much of a point you have. Isn't the difference between elementary and high school the ability to defend yourself without offright insulting someone without grounds?
um... ackackatk..? Where would the morals come from? if you can give me a reasonable source I won't say it anymore but it can't be based in religion AT ALL!
And finally I'll say this : Site description:"A rebuttal of Whetstones idiocy by showing the beauty a group of predominately atheist people can achieve." HA! nice achievement! a flamewar and a wonderful splitting of sides!!! HAHA! also a wonderful yelling of "Douche" back and forth. Bravo! Peace and love right there!! isn't it? no!
All athiests: just leave the religious alone and they'll be fine if you silently call them ignorant. and don't say OMG thats hippocritical.
Anyone with a religion: Don't force your beleifs on others. If someone wants to check out what your religion is about, then thats great for you. But, be silent otherwise and just think " Man, are they missing out!"
and one more thing... if your beleifs are of life being a random stroke of luck, there being no god, and when we die thats it, then I must ask why you care if someone has a religion or not. Surely, if there is no god, then what we do in our life will not affect our end,( us rotting in our graves by an athiest point of view). So, I ask, please, all the flamers, all the immature people, there is no war, it does not matter, shut up and drop it. let it be. stop insulting each other.
Starvingwriter is right on some points, because without religion we have no morals. if there were no morals instilled by religion, then life would be just another thing. Killing someone would be as insignifcant as breaking a glass, or a plate.
uhh.. madcat? science isn't the opposite of christianity dude... so you didn't have to say " I beleive in science too." because technically science is things that aren't commonplace in the religious debate (ex. Newton's laws of Physics) The key is that we need to approach hings, unbiased, or at least with a chunk of the others view. ... and enryt same to you as to DragonWok
Uhh... DragonWok? You jst further deterred lave's point. throughout it he talks about being peaceful and yet you just called God a homosexual... That doesn't evn make sense!! You are extremely immature to just revert to " 5'd cause *insert religious figure here* is gay" You lose. good day sir.
oh and lusciouspear? what did you just say Whetty was? A bad name!! *gasp* hmmm.. lets look at your post: "And Whetty is a douche because he thinks we are bad people."..... Who is "we" and why did you just be hypocritical like that? thats like being racist by stereotyping *insert ethnicity* people as racist, and then calling someone racist when you've never met them before just because they are *insert ethnicity*.
Umm... I'd like an answer on this... How does my being a christian have anything to do with a general killing people? I don't kill people, yet your presentation makes it seem as if I am a murderer, that your beleifs are correct above all else; And yet, how do your points prove anything for that matter? I fail to see how the a picture of earth from far away gives you a philosophical back-door to saying there is no god. i would like some sort of response.
If anyone would like to counter my comments, I will take no offense, so long as you do not specifically insult me(ex.calling me stupid;outright insulting me in any way without grounds)
*censored* christians, and how christians are gay/f*gs/homosexual etc. ( Did you catch the irony yet?) So, in those of you who blindly flame and lay judgements down without consifdering anything (hint: BANDWAGON) as well as offendding people just for the reason of wanting to offend someone, I am utterly ashamed. In all fairness some of you have utterly failed at empathy and understanding, as well as a fair view. once more I will say: I am ashamed in your behaviour!
I am ashamed... Here I go and post my views of how everyone is entitled to an opinion and if your athiest then you have even more of a reason not to care( as long as someone isn't forcibly imposing their beleifs on you; ex. taking over a country and if they don't switch they get killed.
be counter-productive, Strinka has a point. Sorry but I didn't like your anti-religious freedom attitude and your arrogant way of pulling this off as well as the slanted reasoning. So, good sir, I'm afraid I won't vote. If I did then that might make me seem a hippocrit, as I would downvote due to me being offended. So I give you a figurative 1 but not one that will be tallyed.
um.... nice idea but, your being hipocritical... why are you against religion? I mean, if your an atheist then why do you care if someone believes something else. I mean, according to you, it doesn't matter what we do because when we die, thats it. So why do you care if someone has a religion. I mean, if in your opinion it doesn't matter either way, then let people be religious. Why do you have to be oppressive to people with beliefs, imposing your own.. uhh... non-beliefs on others. Furthermore, it might
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