I might actually vote on this if you get a better quality GIF implanted here. It looks like you took your webcam and snapped shots of 4 frames from the TV, freehand.
Kite: Wrong. That's only a concept art mock-up of an attachment that's going to be made available after some time. The standard controller IS going to look like what is shown here.
"Powder" isn't in the lyrics anywhere, that's probably "colour" that you're thinking of. :p And "white things" is supposed to refer to the white controllers.
Well, the animation is so crappily done it's hilarious, but you NEED a better music loop. Even "OWNED SNAP" would be better, but I wouldn't highly suggest that either.
paparoachfan, f*ck YOU. As for the site, it was only a matter of time. There are image-to-ascii programs that can do this in a snap, in fact I have one. I'm surprised it wasn't thought of sooner.
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