Holy friggin' crap... Someone actually remembered the Bart's Mortal Enemy fad I started all those years ago? AND synched it with the Edmund Fitzgerald fad? 5'd all the way, sir. Well done!
Go home and be a family man! So home and be a manly fanic boom! Sonic boom and family your man! Go home and sonic boom your family, man! Your family goes home and gets sonic boomed, man! Your family is home, man! Sonic home and be a family boom man! Boom family and sonic your boom, man! Sonic the Hedgehog killed your family! I don't think you have a family, man! Your dad gets sonic boomed, mom! My family is a sonic boom, man! Sonic boom your boom sonic, man! Your family is a sonic boom, man!
I took Japanese for 4 years at my high school, and my parents constantly ask me to read something that's in Kanji, which I usually can't because we only learned a handful the last year... They say that 'It's my excuse for not reading anything in Japanese to them." Pisses me off.
I forgot the last f in the soundtrack, and it took me instead to Zazzle, selling an "I'm a Unitarian Universalist" T-shirt. Last time I'll ever orget an f.
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