Mattku's votes:

Mattku has made 14 total votes, with an average rating of 4.43.
vote spread graph
site vote average
?Tuesdæ (5.00) (3.96) 
?these are a few of my least favorite things (4.00) (3.76) 
?We're up all night for the sun (4.00) (3.84) 
?(nsfw) MULTI WHEEL DORIFTO (5.00) (2.33) 
?FAVORABLE OUTCOME! (5.00) (4.65) 
?Conan is..... Agahnim!! *refresh* (5.00) (4.19) 
?Seinfeld gets Owned (4.00) (3.91) 
?What is Indiana Jones? (5.00) (4.06) 
?Squall is CRAWLING IN HIS SKINNNN (4.00) (3.82) 
?It's not a feature, it's a space stati... (5.00) (3.99) 
?My Little Butterfly (1.00) (1.25) 
?Mom's Spaghetti (5.00) (4.59) 
?Kevin Rose, gold medalist (5.00) (3.00) 
?(nsfw) site978533 (5.00) (4.00)