Masume25's votes:

Masume25 has made 16 total votes, with an average rating of 2.19.
vote spread graph
site vote average
?The Secret to Becoming Asian (1.00) (3.80) 
?(nsfw) HEY AMERICANS! What do you think of y... (1.00) (1.83) 
?downvoters, shut the fuck up! (1.00) (2.83) 
?Can you find the Honkie? (5.00) (2.78) 
?High School Pranks Reaches a New High (4.00) (1.50) 
?Emo Bush (1.00) (2.33) 
?elmo dies again (1.00) (2.50) 
?boody traps (5.00) (3.87) 
?Symphony of the Night (1.00) (3.98) 
?Pink Floyd has just enough cowbell (1.00) (3.80) 
?911wasdope (1.00) (1.25) 
?John Kerry had ONE weakness (5.00) (3.87) 
?Cindy Sheehan Pwnd (5.00) (3.47) 
?(nsfw) NINTENDO IS GAY (1.00) (1.32) 
?The End Of Our World (1.00) (4.37) 
?Pittsburgh Steelers! (1.00) (3.34)