I'm surprised there still isn't a serious YTMND store. I mean, Penny Arcade, VG Cats, NuklearPower, Maddox--*especially* Homestar Runner--are all funded almost entirely by a store.
I give it a 5 and FAV anyway, but I think you should remove the trailer music from the background and just have the dialogue over the Mortal Kombat song. There're some recordings of the dialogue without the trailer music on YTMND at the moment, I believe.
I actually went to Best Buy after calling my local store to confirm this was a real sale, and they had no games left. This was at 12:30 AM, so either a hurricane of people took all the good games when the store opened or I missed all of them in an hour and a half.
Bush followed up with "or the joy of Christmas", but the pause still makes this hilarious in that it meant he was going to say Christmas initially, but changed it at the last second to try to include everyone. Adorable.
Your argument is flawed. Those governments which were Atheist and also killed many people did not kill said people because they were Atheist, they killed them because they were Communist. That's analogous to me saying "The Popes have all worn white, and nearly all religious crimes committed by the Catholic Church have involved the Pope, therefore people who wear white have committed many religious crimes." True, yes, but irrelevant.
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