MONS' recent activity:

when activity
July 31st, 2011 MONS viewed ?Batman: ualuealuealeuale.
July 17th, 2011 MONS viewed ?Darth Vader: ualuealuealeuale.
July 17th, 2011 MONS viewed ?Batman: ualuealuealeuale.
July 17th, 2011 MONS viewed ?Batman: bebubebududeh.
July 17th, 2011 MONS searched for "ualuealuealeuale".
July 17th, 2011 MONS searched for "Luealuealeuale".
July 17th, 2011 MONS viewed ?The Silence of The Luealuealeuale.
July 17th, 2011 MONS searched for "batman".
July 17th, 2011 MONS searched for "uleuleu".
July 17th, 2011 MONS searched for "batman lueluelue".
July 17th, 2011 MONS searched for "batman".
July 17th, 2011 MONS searched for "batman".
July 17th, 2011 MONS searched for "ueleu".
July 2nd, 2011 MONS viewed ?  Batman: ualuealuealeuale.
July 2nd, 2011 MONS
'd ?  Trolol Mocks Your Soul (With Metal!).
July 2nd, 2011 MONS viewed ?  Trolol Mocks Your Soul (With Metal!).
July 2nd, 2011 MONS viewed ?  Trololo.
July 2nd, 2011 MONS searched for "trolol".
July 2nd, 2011 MONS searched for "trolol song".
July 2nd, 2011 MONS joined YTMND. Welcome.