It is from one of the "man with no name trilogy" directed by sergio leone, and music composed by Ennio Morricone. The trilogy consists of A Fist Full of Dollars (A remake of Kurasawa's Yojimbo), For Few Dollars More, and The Good the Bad and the Ugly. All westerns and more specificly spaghetti westerns. /cue 'The More You Know" jingle.
It is all about the unatural 'camera angles' and camera movement between crowd and stage. Reminiscent of the early hollywood musical (bugsby berkley choreography etc.) because of its success integrating the viewer inside the film with unatural camera movement. While it doesn't function the same way, it does function as an homage to the genre and the techniques that made it successful. I like the step of taking a ytmnd and applying functional film theory (even if it was unintentional).
I am not impressed. A movie can not portray a comic's style better than the comic. So why try to imitate it? The directors decision to pick immitation over innovation will make this ho-hum cinematography.
This is very close to the worst YTMND i have seen. All of the soap box YTMNDs are pretty bad. But yours was about as dry and boring making some garbage point about how we should all hug eachother. Couldn't you have made this point in a more entertaining or visually stimulating way? A piss poor job of using the medium.
I love it, but I wish there was more to it: Bigger salad, more "stuff" in the salad, maybe more going on in the background. All in the same style of course. You have a good eye.
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