KillerTilapia's votes:

KillerTilapia has made 16 total votes, with an average rating of 3.5.
vote spread graph
site vote average
?(nsfw) Fuck You, Superman! (5.00) (4.08) 
?))) ((( (5.00) (4.51) 
?Streetfighter Fish Throw (1.00) (4.40) 
?Woody is Jealous of a New Toy (5.00) (4.22) 
?Hotel (4.00) (4.12) 
?Ripley & Hicks save Newt (3.00) (4.37) 
?How to be a European (1.00) (3.62) 
?Las Vegas Has Clean Balls (5.00) (4.15) 
?the wall that eats babies!!! (2.00) (4.04) 
?love at first sight (1.00) (3.90) 
?Mart™ & Me™ - Part 1 (1.00) (4.02) 
?T4 SPACE: HORSWARZ (3.00) (4.14) 
?THIS IS NOT A JOKE! (5.00) (4.04) 
?Cool Cat Plays Bongos In Bathtub (5.00) (4.20) 
?Stone Cold Stunner Overreaction (5.00) (4.05) 
?Get It On, Ewok (5.00) (4.03)