KilleX's votes:

KilleX has made 15 total votes, with an average rating of 5.
vote spread graph
site vote average
?Red 40 (5.00) (4.64) 
?Animal Crossing Is Tragic (5.00) (4.34) 
?Bruce Campbell vs Faces of Darkness (5.00) (4.64) 
?Tiny T-Rexes In The Media (now more fearsome) (5.00) (4.62) 
?EASYTMND: Lex Luthor vs. Depeche Mode (5.00) (4.38) 
?Arnold shares his deepest feelings (5.00) (4.71) 
?PICARDSONGTMND: 3.141592653589793... (5.00) (3.00) 
?Arnold haunts.... (5.00) (4.70) 
?It's a lonely Christmas for Batman (5.00) (4.14) 
?Darth Vader Emo REMIX (5.00) (4.20) 
?3 SECOND POP TARTS?!?!?! (5.00) (4.33) 
?Left 4 Dead - Zoey Gets Some (5.00) (4.40) 
?Birds_forever_searching (5.00) (4.52) 
?Kirby's WRONG Land (5.00) (4.34) 
?(nsfw) LazyTown's Stephanie in a few years (5.00) (3.42)