As for the second one, I did find that one last night, but that was before the election was done, and really it could apply to any of the three in the image until the end of the audio. All in all, I know I can't please everyone, and I don't care where this site ends up, but it's difficult to find sites with no keywords. It may sound like I'm blaming the owner of that site, but I'm not, just making a general statement with that.
Wow, made this, killed some time, went to bed, come back and it's on 3 of the front page lists? To be honest I didn't expect this to fly very far. As for the sites, I did search last night, and didn't find the first one. I took a look at it, and noticed it didn't have any keywords. I'm guessing that by the time I started looking, it wasn't on the recently made list. I searched for "One of these things" to hunt for any, and it doesn't come up, nor did it last night. God...I know this guy. He has the mind of a child. He was my neighbor when I was younger, and my parents basically made me visit him to keep him company. All he did was ramble on about different games, or what he drew that day. I just stood there thinking, "Someone shoot me." Heh, I remember acting like I was getting a call just to get away. His screen name is consisted of his initials, then month and year of his birth. I noticed that and nearly choked right here. All I can really say
The best memory I have of this game was seeing her getting hit by one of the motorcycles. There was no true collision, but something with her sprite glitched, and was flailing and flashing. I had to pause the game for a while to recover from laughing. I like to think that the motorcycle ran over that bitch.
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