Youtube is boxy as hell. Google video at the least gives you a bigger resolution. Try watching youtube vids in the biggest res and I makes you want to vomit.
Also I remember one episode where malcom sent a virus out to shut down all the supermarkets or something like that so they wouldn't have power, and the food would spoil. Also, I remember another episode where the chick creates a virus and says it's harmless, but it wasn't.
5'D BECAUSE I HAVE SEEN THE ORIGINAL AND I LOVE PEOPLE WHO GET ANAL ON THE INTRAWEB. Because of you people who don't get a simple joke, F*CKING 5'D(and by original i mean original cosby bebop)
5 for cosby, -2 for EA. I just want to say I know you don't mean to advertise for them, but sh*t at this point I'm frankly tired of huge game coporations not wanting to make fun games anymore where they just focus on sweat graphics and online play.
Um, several things don't make sense about this image. 1)Did the Black Mages catch it on fire, because last time I checked White Mages could not use destructive powers such as fire. 2)What are the White Mages doing to that cross? Are they producing the fire, or trying to heal it? and 3)Do they even have the religion of chrisitanity in the FF universe? They have a paladin in VI, but I don't think all palidans fall under the category of christian by default.
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