Jonnusthegreat's votes:

Jonnusthegreat has made 14 total votes, with an average rating of 2.57.
vote spread graph
site vote average
?Ricky Ricardo: Babalualuealuealeuale (2.00) (4.41) 
?Truth in Advertising 2 (5.00) (3.87) 
?The 12 Days Of The War On Chirstmas (5.00) (4.29) 
?YTMND - The Soundtrack (*VOLUME SEVENTE... (5.00) (4.54) 
?EMO ADEM "CINNAMON MELTES" S... (1.00) (3.75) 
?KOENTMND: Matlab Miracle (1.00) (4.12) 
?Gooble Gaable (1.00) (3.00) 
?Masters of Ending This Fad (5.00) (4.41) 
?WORFTMND: worf is dumb (1.00) (4.45) 
?Remember To Vote! (1.00) (4.11) 
?WORFTMND: wazzup (2.00) (4.39) 
?FPS Doug and Arnold join The Battle of Hoth! (1.00) (4.51) 
?Walker Told Me I have AIDS (1.00) (4.46) 
?Franz Mildinand (5.00) (3.74)