JimFear's votes:

JimFear has made 12 total votes, with an average rating of 3.67.
vote spread graph
site vote average
?Half-Life: FULL-LIFE CONSEQUENCES (An Epic ... (5.00) (4.23) 
?You Shall Not Pass! (no really) (4.00) (4.25) 
?Shoe Lawyer Revealed (4.00) (3.98) 
?T-Rex Disco (3.00) (4.10) 
?Put Away Those Fiery Biscuits (4.00) (3.92) 
?OH SNAP (5.00) (3.86) 
?The Spongebob Theme Reveresed Is Weird (3.00) (4.12) 
?The Romans had one weakness... (4.00) (3.99) 
?School Bus is NOT saved by (3.00) (4.16) 
?YTBHND: You're the Bobblehead Now Dog! (3.00) (4.17) 
?Sie sind der Mann jetzt Hund.com (4.00) (3.58) 
?NEDMG (2.00) (3.08)